Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Mr. G" Says Farewell to Beautiful Tree

Yesterday, Mr. Thomas Galanos - a thirty year resident of an Eastern border property in Sorrento East, sadly watched as a beautiful rare mature palm tree group was carefully extracted from his "backyard view" and sold off by property owner: McCann Holdings to Suncoast Nursery for $1200. The tree, many years ago - was actually one which Mr. G had tossed over his fence, as it would not grow - it then, somehow it took root by itself and thrived...

Now, after many years of enjoying the highway screening, provided by this beautiful piece of Florida flora, Mr. Galanos and his spouse are treated to an unobstructed "rest stop view" of highway 681.

 Ripping her out of her peaceful home of 30 years... Will She even live?

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